Local support organisations in Romania

“My child – My heart” Association

Members 20-25 families
Main Goals
  • Develop national and international partnerships with both private and public institutions in order to increase life expectation and the quality of life for children with congenital heart diseases and their families
  • Develop complex rehabilitation services for children with congenital heart diseases and their families
  • Promote the rights of children with congenital heart diseases
Contact Sorin Gradinaru
Silvestru street 36
Iasi town, Romania
E-Mail respectmedia(at)gmail.com
Phone +40 7308 0031 4

Fundatia Pentru Protectia Adultilor Cu Boli Cardiace Congenitale (GUCH)

Members 45
Main Goals
  • Provide comprehensive care and information to adult patients with congenital heart diseases, their families, friends and carers
  • Open regional centres specialized in providing health and legal advice for adults
    with congenital heart diseases
  • Support a national register for an adequate identification of the adults with congenital heart diseases
  • Improve public awareness of congenital-heart issues
  • Facilitate communication between patients and health-care providers
Contact Oana Savu (secretary) or Ioan Mircea Coman (president)
No. 17th Randunelelor Street, Sector 3
Bucharest, Romania
E-Mail contact(at)protcard.org
Phone +40 -21 3114938
Web www.protcard.org