Your child has a heart defect
The words ring in your ear. The doctor looks worried as he repeats “Your child has a congenital heart defect” and then you stop listening. A moment later your world falls apart. This is how many parents describe the moments when they learn that their child has a congenital heart defect. After the initial feelings of panic, anger, anxiety and fear pass, the urge to learn more about the disease and living with a congenital heart defect grows stronger. Reading and understanding is a way to diminish the anxiety. Knowing that you are not alone is another way to cope with the situation. Here at Corience you will find a lot of information about congenital heart defects and what it is like to live with a heart child.
My baby has a heart defect
Distress, helplessness, feelings of guilt, pain, and depression are some of the most common symptoms that parents have when they are told about their child’s diagnosis of congenital heart disease.
All about heart children’s health
People with a congenital heart defect need lifelong medical care. A visit to the doctor or hospital is often connected with fear and anxiety; thus, having good knowledge about what is going on is important to reduce this fear.
Differently normal: life with a heart child
Living with a heart child has a substantial effect on the whole family, and everyday life can sometimes be full of challenges and questions. This section provides in-depth information and useful tips about how to make living with a heart defect easier.
Growing up: You and your heart teen
As a parent you may feel concerned or frustrated about your heart teen. You want to know what is happening, and you may wonder whether a teenager can really be trusted to take responsibility for their heart. You can rest assured that most teenagers are indeed capable of being responsible, but during the transition from paediatric to adult care it is your job to assist your child in this.